Publication Policy

Publication Policy


*    The articles / research papers will be published only after the approval of referees as Journal of Political Science is a bi-annual (April-November) referred Journal.

*    The contributors must furnish a declaration stating that “the research paper/article has not been published so far, will not send elsewhere for publication and the same is an original work of the contributor(s)”.

  • Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the reported study.
  • The text, illustrations and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone.
  • There is ‘No conflict of interest’, regarding this manuscript.
  • The manuscript does not have any plagiarism.
  • The decision of the Editorial board regarding the publication of manuscript will be final.
  • The Editorial board has full right to reject the manuscripts without assigning any reason.
  • The copyright of articles vests in the Journal of Political Science who would be free to reproduce them in any compilation/edited volumes.
  • The views expressed in the manuscripts are exclusive author’s responsibility and are not to be attributed to the reader, editorial board, and advisory board.
  • For any litigation/dispute regarding this manuscript for what so ever reason, the author will be exclusively responsible.